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 Family Picnic - Who can bring what?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Matt Fisher Posted - 07/21/2007 : 18:46:05
My Dad and I will be bringing a gas grill and a large George Forman and will pick up burgers, hotdogs, and buns at Costco. We'll also grab some fixings like catcup, mustard, relish, etc. Reply back with what you'd like to bring. It's free for all for now but I'll narrow down the catagories as you all respond.

Main course - burgers and hotdogs - Done
Drinks - still need
Salads - still need
Fruit - still need
Desserts - still need
Whatever else sounds good - still need :-)

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pumpskinseed Posted - 07/23/2007 : 11:58:17
Hi Matt. We will bring vegetable side dish and some chairs.
donnafayesc Posted - 07/22/2007 : 00:47:11
Hi Matt,
Steve and I will bring plates, cups, napkins, forks, knives and such. I will keep an eye on this sight to know how many to buy for. We are looking forward to seeing everyone.

B. Ortega Posted - 07/21/2007 : 21:21:14
Hi Matt,
We will bring desserts. If you need anything else, please let us know.

Matt Fisher Posted - 07/21/2007 : 20:32:02
Hey Jennifer,

Great to hear from you. Soda, water, and ice will be great. Thanks! See you next weekend.

jennifer Posted - 07/21/2007 : 20:07:56
Hi Matt!
This is Jenni(fer Perez) Chambers, and as I said, we will be five that day.
We can bring sodas, water, and ice if that's still okay with you. If not just let me know, and we can alter our plan. If you need for us to bring any other things, just let me know.
If you need any help with phone calls or getting a hold of any one, just email me or call me @ 707-758-1066 and let me know. I am more than willing to help you put this picnic together. I really miss you guys, and I'm looking so forward to seeing everyone again.
Thank you so much, Matt for putting this together. I'm sure that we will have great fun.
Take care, and I'll look forward to hearing from you if you need any help at all.
Matt Fisher Posted - 07/21/2007 : 18:59:00
We'll also need the following

Chairs - maybe everyone bring your own would be the easiest?

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